Sunday, July 17, 2011

When fake lives take over....

Online "living" can sure be a distraction for our students, especially when we've got laptops as part of our learning. Read how one teacher uses humor--with firmness--to handle the pull of these computer-game worlds:

ME, to the student on a laptop--who is clearly not being productive: Stop playing FarmVille.

STUDENT: It's not FarmVille. . . . . It's College Town.

ME: Don't care.

STUDENT: But it's a really fun game, Miss M. You should play it.

ME: Really? What can I do? Can I assign homework and give out Fs? Oh wait! I get to do that real life!

STUDENT: Hahaha. You're funny.

ME: I know I am. Now close your laptop.

I always remember that fondly. That particular student and I had some good tit-for-tat at times. All good-natured, of course. ^_^


1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I read this to my daughter while she was playing ZELDA. ;-D
